Live the Difference

sittingtogetherThis is a re-post but timely advise…

As Christians we are called to live differently. Be the reflection of Christ. As Christian Husbands, we are called to live differently and above the world’s standards. Men, it’s up to us to show the world a new normal in marriage relationships… Loving our wives as Christ loves the Church.

One recent beautiful evening I was talking with my wife out on our patio.  We were going through some past events that have really stretched our sense of honor for some people.  As we talked, she began to cry. My lovely wife internalizes feelings in certain situations not wanting to affect others around her. Well, this internalizing finally reached its limit… and I knew it.  I immediately said to myself, “I know what I have to do!” and I went over, sat next to her and just held her. I didn’t have to fix anything, (which is a good thing, because I couldn’t).  All I had to do was listen to her heart and hold her while she cried, and that was exactly what she needed.

Sometimes as husbands we think we need to have all the answers, all the time (I know, I used to be like that and sometimes still drift back to it). But I’m here to tell you after 22 years of experience, that’s an impossible task and the sooner we realize it the better. Our wives are not always looking for us to fix things. Sometimes just a listening ear or a hug is all she needs.

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