From Personal Revelation to Family Legacy
Dear Fellow Builders,
From time to time The Lord drops a parable in my heart that is just really cool. Not that all of His revelation isn’t cool… But you know what I mean. A few days ago he dropped two! Given this unusual event, I felt impressed to share both of these parables with you. They pertain to identity and legacy, both subjects which I Have been musing over with The Lord recently.
Coffee Anyone?
When you go to a restaurant and sit down, you notice that the coffee cups are turned upside down on the tables. If you want your cup filled, you have to turn the cup over so the waitress or waiter can fill it up. It takes an action. So many times I see Christians that are continually presented revelational coffee from God, but they never turn their cups over to be filled. Turning our cups over is the hunger and intentional pursuit of more of what God has for us. It’s that intimate conversation with the Father, it’s His Word that is continually unfolded before our eyes… that is what hunger and intentional pursuit looks like. It’s realizing once you taste it, you can’t live any other way! The cool thing is, God has already placed that hunger inside of everyone, we just need act on it. He has an endless amount of “revelational coffee” to pour out into our cups, but we must hunger and pursue that coffee by turning our cups over and allowing Him to fill us up!
The Key and the Door
I liken accessing revelation to a key and door knob. To walk through a door, there is a combination of actions that must happen. First you put the key in the door and then turn the door knob to open the door and walk through. The key represents the hunger we possess to seek revelation from God He is so willing to give.
Matthew 7:7-8
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” ” For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”
Our heavenly accounts are full of revelation waiting to be drawn upon. It’s time to empty those accounts!
The next part of this example is the turning of the door knob. The turning of the knob signifies the trust we have in the Father to walk into the revelation we have been entrusted with! Acting upon revelation means that you apply it to your life, impart it to your family and to your Church Body so that they may learn and excel from what God has given to you. Yes, it is time to put the key in the door and turn the knob. We must walk through the door before we are able to find the next door which contains more Truth and more revelation of who God is and what He has for us.
I believe that the Truth of God is never-ending, boundless, timeless, continually ready to pour out into. This never ending Truth is the living water water Jesus talked about:
John 4:10
” Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”
There is door after door of revelation to be found and walked through for EVERY Believer. Yes, God is no respecter of persons, He is faithful and freely gives to those who hunger and thirst for it. His revelation is not for “special” people, or the learned (see my last blog post). It is for all!
So what is this revelation that we can expect when we put the key in the door and turn the knob? Some of what we can learn is His identity, who He is, and the fact that Heaven and Earth should collide on a moment by moment basis. I think that the Christian should continually walk with a supernatural presence that Jesus walked with. Remember, the supernatural is natural for God.
John 14:12
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.”
Because of this promise in John 14:12, we can be assured that we have the authority to walk in everyday supernatural presence.
What to do with Revelation? -Teach Them Diligently!
I have an overwhelming responsibility and desire to pass everything I learn on to my children. When we grab hold of new revelation, we must get into the habit of teaching our children what we have learned.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”
Moreover, we should approach this teaching experience with the intent of not only teaching our children but teaching our children’s children… establishing a legacy. This idea starts with the end in mind, building our ceiling so our children use it as their foundation. The foundation of
“passed-on” revelation that does not have to be re-taught but can be used while running after new revelation. The Church has failed at this miserably through the years as it always seems that we are waiting for the next revival when really we should be living in a continual revival. A continual revival of fresh revelation that we immediately ingrain in our children as they walk this journey with us. This becomes their established foundation and a starting point to propel our children ahead of us and not make them start from the beginning! A continual revival where our children are building their foundation on our ceilings!
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children…
Parents, it all starts with us. We must adapt this “revelation-legacy” mindset, this hunger to walk through the door of revelation, make that first step into what God has for us and then pass it on to our children. The never ending knowledge of who He is and the power to bring Heaven to Earth in a cataclysmic collision. A collision designed by God, from the beginning, to change the people He loves so very much.
For more on “Teach Them Diligently” stay tuned for my father’s handbook “Authentic Family Leader” where I explore how to create a family legacy.
Keep Building,