It’s Always Time to be Thankful
Hi Fellow Builders,
It’s hard to believe it is the holiday season again. As another year is passing, I sit back and reflect on all that the Lord has done and is doing. He is so good! No matter what I say it is never enough to quantify His goodness, favor and provision that He has so graciously given. I am constantly in awe of His Presence that reminds me of how much He cares about who I am, what I am experiencing and the revelatory solutions that He gives for every problem I face.
Sometimes at Thanksgiving we think about the provision of finance and the things the He has given, which is absolute abundant in everything we need. But this Thanksgiving, I am in a new place and reflecting on the daily provision of Presence that comforts my “moment by moment” life. That Presence gives me the comfort and confidence that indeed… I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…. The Presence!
So join us at Building Family Faith in thanking the Lord for His daily Presence, the warm blanket that wraps our lives in comfort and confidence assuring us that we can do all things through Christ who is the one that gives us strength! Let’s focus on the nature of God, His all sufficiency and His constancy to always love. Putting these things first changes the way we look at things… it makes Him bigger than anything we face.
Our prayer is that you and your family will grow into a deeper relationship with our wonderful, magnificent Father… who wants exactly the same…..AMEN!
From our family to yours:
Happy Thanksgiving