Building Relationships
What is honor? A quick dictionary search finds many ways to define Honor…honor in it’s verb form is “to hold in honor or high respect; to treat with honor, to confer honor or distinction upon, to show a courteous regard for, to worship God.”
In our homes, our churches and our relationships we desire to cultivate an environment that sustains life, hope, honor and destiny.
We cultivate this atmosphere of honor by first learning who we are and what our purpose is in the Kingdom of Heaven and then we learn how to empower those around us with the same revelation.
Living out Honor endeavors to learn and model freedom, respect, empowerment and healthy self-discipline.
These sessions are designed for Singles, Married, Parents and Grandparents alike… Everyone! Please join us as we endeavor to cultivate meaningful fulfilling relationships in the body of Christ and in the world.
Living out Honor IS Loving on Purpose!