Worship Is A Lifestyle
Unquenchable. Have you ever been so thirsty that you just can’t satisfy your thirst?
Unstoppable. Have you ever been so determined, like life and death determined, that you just won’t be stopped by anything or anyone?
Undignigfied. Have you thrown in all the cards of “caring what others think” and just “cut loose”?
Undone. A thought, a note, a glimspe instantly reduces you to tears?
What is the purpose of man?
We were designed to worship!
We will spend the next 5 weeks digging into these questions and more.
Session 1 What worship is _______? Worship is not_______?
You are invited to join us in person on Tuesday nights from 7-8:30 October 22 – November 19, 2013
Crossroads Church South Campus
5207 Weddington Road Weddington, NC 28104
Join annointed Worship Leaders: Cheryl Vought, Julie Appleyard, Nathanael Whittenburg for an indepth and dynamic worship experience like never before!
for more information contact me at Lori.Clifton@BuildingFamilyFaith.org
Most joyfully,
Lori 🙂